contingency for the work- upgradation of residential quarters in new ag colony along with basic infrastructure under ia ad pool at bhubaneswar, type-ii-134 nos., (qtr no-505 - 520, 521-536, 537-552, 553-568, 569-576, 577-584, 585-600, 901-616, 617-632) and type-iii-88 nos (qtr no - 359-365, 366-372, 373-379, 380-386, 387-401, 402-408, 409-415, 416-430, 431-437, 438-444) type-iii (c) 02 nos. sh-providing service of computer operator in office of ae(elect)-1 under ee(e), bbsr, cpwd, bhubaneswar.
Deadline 17 feb 2023
Tenders Location orissa , bhubaneswar
Tenders Value Refer Document
Document Cost Refer Document
Tender categeory miscellaneous 
Our Ref. ID 2302144161150
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